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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

MAGNET in the world of MEDICINE

CLEOPATRA was probably the first prominent figure to wear a magnet. Noted that she slept in the lodestone to keep her skin to keep it as a young child.

Knowledge therapy is given Greeks who have been using magnets for since 2500 BC.Magnets have been used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BC combined with reflexology and acupuncture. In 15-century doctor Paracelsus (Switzerland) recognizes power magnet therapy.He wrote medical papers on the effect of magnets on the process of healing in the body.

In the 16th century, a doctor from the UK Dr William Gilbert made research on the electrical and magnetism. He took out one of his first book on magnetic therapy called "De Magnet". Dr Gilbert was also the personal physician of Queen Elizabeth I and said that she used magnets under the instructions.

Michael Faraday, also known as the inventor Biomagnetik make research on magnetic healing during the 18th century.His work is still used as the basis for this modern day magnetic treatments.

Dr Mesmer (the father of hypnotism) and Dr Samual Hahnemann (the father of homeopathy) also contributed to his work. 20th century scholars including Dr Kreft a German doctor who in 1905 studied the healing effects of magnets on rheumatic disease, sciatica and neuralgia.

Year 1926 Dr Criles study the impact of magnets on cancer cells and was followed 10 years later in 1938 with Albert Davis carrying out tests on the effects of the north and south poles of a magnet.

However in recent 15 years has shown the development of productive in medical studies into magnetic therapy. More than 57 lessons in the USA about the disease difficult to cure and magnetic. Among others are:

  • 1990 - University of Hawaii tested magnetic fields on patients with osteoarthritis.
  • 1992 - Trying to sample the healing randomized double-blind trial of wound healing in venous leg wounds.
  • 1999 - New York Medical College tested magnetic insoles on diabetic patients ..
  • 2001 - University of Virginia tested magnetic mattress covers in patients with Fibromyalgia.
  • 2004 - The University of Exeter and Plymouth tried magnetic bracelets on patients with osteoarthritis

Magnetic therapy achieved world popularity with many celebrities choose such as:

  • Cherie Blair
  • Bill Clinton
  • Anthony Hopkins
  • Prince William
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Shirley MacLaine
  • Venus Williams
  • Michael Jordan
  • Andre Agassi
  • Jack Niklaus and others.

Magnetic therapy is now incorporated into medical treatment in 54 countries worldwide. With so many research each year, we can see some of the coming year will digunalan magnets in the treatment of conventional painkillers.

Some type of magnets used in magnet therapy:

  • 2000 gauss magnet strength - is used to treat almost any disease.
  • 1500 gauss magnet strength premiere - this is used to treat the problem Neurologist.Magnet is very effective in providing magnetic wave penetration.

  • Low-power ceramic magnet with a strength of 300 gauss - these magnets are used to epalikasi near brain regions.Is used to improve vision, treat cataracts, glaucoma and other rentina problem. Also very helpful in increasing children's height. Magnets are also used to treat headaches and migrants.
  • Lumbar Belt spondilitik - used to treat lumbar spondylitis (inflammation of the pubic bone), hernias, prolapsed disc, rheumatic in lower back, and so forth. And in certain circumstances can reduce excess fat in the abdomen, when the area a magnet placed on the front.
  • Cervical collar or belt (cervical belt) - This is used in cases of cervical inflammation (spondylitis servical). Magnet will help children who are learning because they are constantly sit and write for hours, and a sprained neck muscles which is a pre taham spondylosis.
  • Necklace - This is used to maintain healthy breasts so perfect, especially the heart and lungs.
  • Magnetic buttons - this is japanese magnets are so small on the soles of shoes or plugs are in the glue on the skin at the point akupresure to give the desired results without actually on the puncture with a needle. It also seems to be very effective in a variety of other diseases and seen as opening new domains in the treatment of the magnetism.
  • Magnetic Water - was prepared by keeping the water at each pole of high-strength magnets for 12 to 14 hours. After this water is mixed from both poles and in use by the drink. Magnet is a diuretic and blood cleanser which is very effective.
  • Termagnetisasi oils - any oil termagnetisasi by keeping it above the magnets for 12 to 24 hours.Very effective in dandruff, hair loss, and premature gray hair in the hair.
  • Bracelet - Magnetic bracelets are very beautiful shape.Magnets are used to treat high blood pressure or low in the early stages, and improve blood circulation.
  • Bracelet MAGNOTEC give strength 3500 gauss + FIR is very effective to cure and treat many diseases.

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Interesting In Magnet Function

I've got a big interest to this thing: MAGNET!!
So, I'll tell you all about one of magnet function for health:


Magnets for health benefits is already long been known. More than 2000 years ago the people of ancient China and India have proved that the use of stone to produce magnets can overcome stress, epilepsy, insomnia, impaired kidney and liver.

While in this modern era of research on magnet therapy has many

performed. In Germany, Dr. Wofgang Ludwig Sc. Bio Physics PhD from institutions in Horb prove and recommends the use of magnets to treat cancer, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), neurological disorders, bone and blood.

The use of magnets in the medical field was already very much help. One of the many we hear is MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), which is helping doctors diagnose diseases in the body.

In his book entitled Archives of General Psychiatry, Ehud Klein and Isabelle Kreinin wrote that the use of magnets as therapeutic tools proven to help reduce symptoms of depression.

Based on the research Dr. William H. Philpott a psychiatrist and a neurologist in Oklahoma has been doing research on biomagnetik for several years. Negative magnetic fields have been tested and applied to the human body? Turn stimulating hormone associated with sleep, melatonin and make people sleep more soundly.

Experiments at Loma Linda University, MIT, and several universities in Europe have proven that certain magnetic devices facilitate blood flow.

Almost all disease is caused by lack of blood flow fluently, that will eventually destroy nerve tissue. In other words nutrients are not delivered to each cell in need. Some theories about the effects of many proposed magnet therapy (backyard), but the end result of all that can be grouped as follows:


b. Reduce pain and inflammation

c. HELPING blood flow



Some research data that prove the benefits of Magnets for Health:

"Magnetic energy to bring beneficial effects on blood circulation,

lymph circulation, hormone production, nerves and muscles "

Dr. Ulrich Warnke, M.D. Magnets to Overcome Pain. The New Healing Method (Magnet Overcoming Pain. New Healing Method).

"The use of magnetic therapy works, simple, risk-free (safe) and low cost. It offers the lay man or woman can perform self treatment for health problems at any time throughout his life"

Dr. Evelyne Holzapfel. Magnetic Therapy

"No one doubts about the use of magnets to relieve pain after Dr. Carlos Valbona former chairman of the Department of Community Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Valbona further in his research was amazed when he received a few changes thanks to the influence of magnets on the patient's work post-polio patients. "

The New York Times, Dec.. 8.1997.

"I do not say something like a priest, but look at my face: This magnetic therapy is a gift from God. It's good for almost anything."

Dr. Kenneth S. Mclean, MD. Bioenergy Newsletter, Feb.1986.

"Besides being easy, efficient and inexpensive, magnet therapy provides long-term effects and guaranteed safety."

Dr. Louis Donnet, MD. Magnets For Your Health (Magnets for your Health)

"Magnetic therapy in Japan and elsewhere in parts of Europe and Asia has become a traditional medical treatment (populist), is a form of self medication which can be relied upon."

Richard Leviton, "Natural Energy Healing" ("Healing with Nature's Energy") East-West Journal, June 1986.

"The results are surprisingly obtained from magnetic therapy as a whole has given a post which was really important in the world of therapy"

S. Neville Bengali M.D. Magnet Therapy: Theory and Practice

"This is a revolution in the therapy for muscle injuries, as well as help with the pain and disruption caused by the attitude (posture) the wrong body. We have been doing therapy 4000 patients with tendon injuries to the neck with magnetic therapy and 80% of them experiencing the healing"

Dr. J.B. Baron, MD? Medical Convention at the Baylor College of Medicine, Texas.

"Every family should have some magnets and understand how to use it for treatment of several disorders and infectious diseases."

Dr. A.K Battacharrya, M.D. Healing by Magnets (Healing with magnets).

"This is something that can be expected that the use of magnetic energy can be performed without the rigid requirements, and fits easily used at home for own consumption."

Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D. NEW HOPE: Magnet Therapy

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Life is always beautiful, except if you have the disorder. This is one disorder that I have always taken for granted by other people but has a big impact for me. yes, HYPERHIDROSIS. This is the following definition of hyperhidrosis:

HYPERHIDROSIS or in the other name DIAPHORESIS is the condition characterized by abnormally increased perspiration,in excess of that required for regulation of body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis can either be generalized or localized to specific parts of the body. Hands, feet, armpits, and the groin area are among the most active regions of perspiration due to the relatively high concentration of sweat glands; however, any part of the body may be affected.

Hyperhidrosis can also be classified depending on if it is a congenital or acquired trait. Primary hyperhidrosis is found to start during adolescence or even before and seems to be inherited as an autosomal dominant genetic trait. Primary hyperhidrosis must be distinguished from secondary hyperhidrosis, which can start at any point in life. The latter form may be due to a disorder of the thyroid or pituitary gland, diabetes mellitus, tumors, gout, menopause, certain drugs, or mercury poisoning.

Hyperhidrosis may be also divided into palmoplantar (symptomatic sweating of primarily the hands or feet), gustatory or generalized hyperhidrosis.

Alternatively, hyperhydrosis may be classified according to the amount of skin that is affected and its possible causes. In this approach, excessive sweating in an area that is greater than 100 cm2 (up to generalized sweating of the entire body) is differentiated from sweating that affects only a small area.

The cause of primary hyperhidrosis is unknown, although some surgeons claim that it is caused by sympathetic overactivity. Nervousness or excitement can exacerbate the situation for many sufferers. Other factors can play a role; certain foods and drinks, nicotine, caffeine, and smells can trigger a response.

A common complaint of patients is that they get nervous because they sweat, then sweat more because they are nervous.

Hyperhidrosis of a relatively large area (>100 square cm or generalized)

* In people with a past history of spinal cord injuries
o Autonomic dysreflexia
o Orthostatic hypotension
o Posttraumatic syringomyelia
* Associated with peripheral neuropathies
o Familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
o Congenital autonomic dysfunction with universal pain loss
o Exposure to cold
* Associated with probable brain lesions
o Episodic with hypothermia (Hines and Bannick syndrome)
o Episodic without hypothermia
o Olfactory
* Associated with intrathoracic neoplasms or lesions
o Associated with systemic medical problems
o Pheochromocytoma
o Parkinson's disease
o Thyrotoxicosis
o Diabetes mellitus
o Congestive heart failure
o Anxiety
o Menopausal state
o Due to drugs or poisoning
o Night sweats
o Compensatory

Hyperhidrosis of relatively small area (<100 style="font-weight:bold;">TREATMENT:
A. Drugs
Sedative and anticholinergic (drug aimed at blocking the chemicals responsible for nerve activity) is a drug commonly used, but these drugs are not made specifically for the treatment of hyperhidrosis is, besides a lot of side effects.

B. Antiperspiran
Antiperspiran and deodorants are used for daily use to reduce underarm sweating and body odor. For patients with excessive perspiration very special antiperspiran mengadung Aluminum Chloride Hexahydrate common usually given first. This herb is very easy to use but for some people this herb may cause skin irritation. This herb is very effective for patients with mild hyperhidrosis.

C. Iontophoresis
This method uses a weak electric current to reduce sweat gland function. Patient's hand or foot is placed on a plate which weak electric currents flowed. This method is very time-consuming and must be repeated.

D. Botox
As also used to eliminate facial wrinkles, Botox injections are used to paralyze the sweat glands and this method only for the treatment of hyperhidrosis axillae (armpit). This method also requires repetition.

2. Treatment with surgery
Because no one from the non-surgical methods above that can offer a permanent cure, the approach to the way the operation has been built to provide better treatment options. Since the year 1920, (an operation to separate the sympathetic nerve chain) has become a reliable method to eliminate hyperhidrosis. Unfortunately, the only way to reach the sympathetic chain is with a large incision in the chest or neck of the patient. This makes this method an operation that has greater risk of complications besides a large incision is also so reasonable if both the surgeons and patients are reluctant to pursue this method.

Thoracoscopy method (operation using a tool resembling a pipe as a tool to look inside the chest cavity), introduced in 1942 to run Sympathectomy and this method has executed hundreds of times in the 1940s, but for no apparent reason this method is forgotten until finally in tahun1980 thorascope introduced an equipped camera.

Now, with the new method allows surgeons perform Sympathectomy on both sides of the chest using only one camera instruments only. This method is known as Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy (VATS).

This operation is performed with general anesthesia and with two 5-mm incision size on both sides of the chest to access the chest cavity. With the help of cameras mounted on the thorascope Sympathetic nerve chain that is located at the base of the ribs of the second and third separated by using an electrical cutting tools. Usually patients can immediately feel the results and the patient can go home from hospital the next day with his hands dry and warm. The success rate of this method approaches 100%.

1. Very excessive perspiration on the hands will be cured in almost all patients. After surgery the patient's hand will be dry and warm. The success rate of this method approaches 100%.
2. Very excessive perspiration in the armpit can be reduced or cured in almost all patients with thoracic nerve and cut into three.
3. Very excessive perspiration in the feet may be omitted. Some patients feel the sweat on the soles of the feet is reduced after the operation.
4. There was a slight decrease in the number of heartbeats. Some patients said they became more calm even in stressful circumstances and no longer experience the heart pounding. A pounding heart when making presentations in public can also slightly reduced.
5. Patients who also suffer from migraine headaches feel the loss of this disorder after surgery.

1. Compensatory Sweating (CS) - replacement of sweat
After surgery 85% of patients felt the addition of sweat on the thighs and calves than ever.
2. Horner's Syndrome
This occurs when there is damage to the first thoracic nerve during the operation that causes the eyelids to be slightly down. It is very rare and may be improving as time goes by.
3. Pneumothorax (air leaks in lungs)
Complications are very rare as a result of injury to the lung surface or may occur in patients who settles lung disease. This condition usually improves by itself and is not a big problem.

In general, this operation is an excellent method to cure hyperhidrosis can this miserable. This operation provides a direct and permanent cure for the patient. This operation is relatively easy to implement with minimal side effects and complications are rare. The pain after surgery was also minimal and can be reduced with a simple painkiller.

Some of the opinions of patients why they want to implement Sympathectomy
1. A Student Accounting
"Paper I exam is always wet and dirty"
2. An Interior Designer
"All my dull design-design"
3. An Insurance Agent
"I'm embarrassed to shake hands with others"
4. A Beauty Expert
"My client complained to my boss after a facial treatment"
5. A Professional Dancer
"I can not dance Latin because no one wants to be my partner"
6. An Expert Electrical
"I do not want to die electrocuted one day"
7. A Bread Maker
"My handmade bread feel so bad"

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Great Day. My First Post

Thanks to Allah Almighty who has given me the opportunity to make this blog. My blog will be filled with my subjective opinions about the events around us. Some will probably contain about health, health technologies, electronics, and more. The most important that I want to say is the real shortage is not a shortage. deficiency is another advantage that always burn our motivation to continue to live and succeed. So, never give in to fate. you have a life, you've got a soul, you have a unique destiny, strive for it. Finally, DO NOT GIVE UP. Thank you. Nothing further. yours respectfully Read More..