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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

ROBONAUT2 (R2) : NASA's Android Astronaut Assistant Prepares for Launch

NASA is preparing to send its first humanoid robot into space. Robonaut first twitched to life in September 1999 and, after a decade of tests, the 140-kilogram R2 model will finally be launched to the International Space Station on the space shuttle Discovery's last mission in September.

With continual maintenance work needed on the ISS, the idea is to give the crew an assistant that never tires of undertaking mundane mechanical tasks - initially inside the craft but later outside it too.

Robonaut2 is ambidextrous and designed to use the same tools as human astronauts. He can lift up to 20lbs and operate in environments too dangerous for humans. Basically he’s our red shirt. If it looks like someone might die, they’ll send Robonaut2

R2 comprises a humanoid head and torso with highly dexterous arms and hands. It was developed by NASA in conjunction with roboticists at General Motors. After being bolted to a piece of ISS infrastructure, R2 can use the same tools, such as screwdrivers and wrenches, as the astronauts.

One reason for the mission, NASA says, is to see how Robonaut copes with the cosmic radiation and electromagnetic interference inside the space station.

Robonaut 2, or R2, is a faster, more dexterous and more technologically advanced robot that can use its hands to do work beyond the scope of earlier humanoid machines, say the developers.

"Our challenge today is to build machines that can help humans work and explore in space," said Mike Coats, director of the Johnson Space Center.

"Working side by side with humans, or going where the risks are too great for people, machines like Robonaut will expand our capability for construction and discovery."

"For GM, this is about safer cars and safer plants," said Alan Taub, GM's vice president for global research and development. "The partnership's vision is to explore advanced robots working together in harmony with people, building better, higher quality vehicles in a safer, more competitive manufacturing environment."

The original Robonaut, a humanoid robot designed for space travel, was built 10 years ago, and was starting to look decidedly creaky.

R2 is not only more dexterous, but also stronger than its predecessor. It can lift a 20lb weight at arm's length, about four times as much as any other dexterous robot, says NASA.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

A Bunker for Doomsday for $10 million

2012, or the year of global cataclysm, is around the corner for both believers of providence or otherwise. To save us from chasing our fate to reach China then, like in Roland Emmerich film 2012, a California based company Vivos has created a military-style $10 million bunker – now, even this is luxury for the sheikhs and millionaires, just what that struggle for survival showed on screen. Nonetheless, it is a great idea and we wouldn’t shy off from detailing it.

This nuclear blast proof bunk is an underground tunnel good to accommodate 200 people for a year, this owing to its own power generation, food supply, water wells, filtration systems, security devices and medical equipment. The only reason I am excited about the million dollar bunk is the fact that if the world survives its end in 2010, it could keep people safe from terrorist or nuclear attacks, which aren’t going the spare the world. Read on for a video demonstration.

Bunker was made by Vivos company, based in the City of Del Mar, California, United States. Vivos claimed to have prepared a special bunker for dealing with “Doomsday.” Located beneath the Mojave deserts, bunkers were designed to make residents safer from nuclear attack and natural disaster while making their stay comfortable, like staying at home.

If you’re one of the 4000 inhabitants of the bunker, Vicino promised these bunkers capable of protecting occupants from terrible disasters, such as up to 10 earthquakes on the Richter scale, 50-megaton nuclear blast that exploded in the distance of 20 miles, as well as the effects of solar storms with the power of millions of volts wave electromagnetic.

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African's Robot Made from Trash

A student from Togo, Africa, was able to prove that to make a robot doesn't have to always use the materials and sophisticated equipment. From electronic scrap can too.

Todo Sam, a teenage genius, he has proved the above statement. Armed with equipment and materials improvise, he was able to create a humanoid robot that can walk. No less with Asimo, a robot made by Japanese giant auto industries, Honda.

Even Sam, you could say 'more intense'. Because, capable of designing and building a robot that most of the material comes from the piles of electronic waste, ranging from a broken CRT TVs, and other electronic materials.

SAM10, the name of this teenage African-made robots. Indeed, if we viewed from the appearance, SAM10 still lose cool than Asimo. But in terms of capability, innovation, and perseverance, Sam should be proud of himself. Read More..

SOORENA 2, Iran's second ROBOT

A new Iranian humanoid robot called Soorena-2 has been designed by developed by 20 researchers and engineers from the University of Tehran to be used to conduct what are being called "sensitive jobs". What these jobs actually are we don’t know. The President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad just recently showed off this 4.7-foot walking robot to the world.

Soorena’s, who’s been named after an ancient Persian warrior, weighs in at 99 pounds and is capable of 12 foot movements, eight hand movement and the two for the head. We still don’t know exactly what Soorena-2 is capable of, or ist just one of those technological advancements one likes to show off.

Soorena two designed by 20 people robotics expert from the University of Tehran. This robot is claimed to be able to replace humans in performing various tasks that quite difficult in a different situation.

Just like humans, these robots were able to walk to synchronize the movement of the feet and hands. Not only that, with the ability of 12 movements in the foot, eight-movement in the hand and the two movements in the head, this humanoid robot can be instructed to work on all programs.

This is the second time Iran to create a humanoid robot. Earlier in 2008, Iranian scientists have created the first humanoid robot, named Soorena 1.

This robot able to down a road that has been determined by the sensitive path-finder system and capable of reading text.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

(2012) If the Magnetic Poles Shift, What Will Happens

Of course we all still remember about the Mayan prophecy that says in the year 2012 will be doomsday. Of course, many people still asking questions about the truth of this prediction. What really happened at that time still a big question, even among scientists.

Some say that later in the year 2012 will be an
extremes change of temperature on earth, so the earth back to the ice age. There is also speculation that the solar activity cycle peaked in 2012 which caused immense heat in the earth, especially the atmosphere we've experienced thinning and perforated in several parts so that in addition to heating the earth with radical also melt the ice at the poles and also causing the storms and awesome typhoons

There is a speculation about the earth's magnetism.
Earth's magnetic field which serves as the main defense against solar radiation the earth began to crack even exist until as big as California. Shifting poles are also ongoing.

Earth magnetic pole reversal may cause major problems for the earth, for example:

  1. Volcanoes on earth will be growing in number, and the movement of tectonic plates of the earth an increasingly active and cause a big earthquake in different parts of the world.
  2. Earth's gravity will change although we will not know how those changes.
  3. Endurance possessed by animals and humans will be weakened, because the thickness of the body systems in humans and animals and is highly dependent on the natural environment around including on the earth's magnetic field.
  4. Objects from outer space will more and more interested into the earth's atmosphere, it can cause a crash or collision with these objects and of course this will be very dangerous for living things on earth.
  5. Communication system that uses radio waves will experience malfunctions, including power plants that exist on earth will experience a very severe damage.
  6. Power earth protection against radiation-dangerous radiation from space will be weakened so that dangerous particles coming from outer space will freely enter the earth rained down.

It had been a partial impact will occur when the earth's magnetic field completely disappeared. Then is it true if the magnetic field shifts, the sun will rise from the west? This is NASA's prediction:
"In the next few years there is the possibility of changes in the earth's magnetic poles, which is a thousand-year cycle of the planets and stars. Though hard to believe, for example, NASA said that in 2001 we are the stars, sun, have undergone changes in these poles. But because the mass of the sun is relatively uniform and we do not live there, then people do not feel this change is relative."

So what's the effect on life in this world? One thing that certainly, is our compass needle will no longer pointed toward the north but to follow the North magnetic pole that have moved to the South. That is all? it's just a possibility. The worst effect is a slight possibility of magnetic interference which may damage electronic equipment, satellite, power plants or other technological devices.

So, let's we think. If the North magnetic pole of the earth was in the South, where our sun will rise?

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Why Won't a Magnet Stick to a Stainless Steel

Source: NY Times

While some common kinds of stainless steel are not attracted to a magnet, a magnet will stick to some other kinds. The magnetic properties of stainless steel vary from alloy to alloy.

Stainless steel in general has significant amounts of chromium added to iron to improve its corrosion resistance. Depending on the intended use, some types also have varying amounts of nickel added, or other metals, like manganese or molybdenum. Different combinations yield different degrees of different properties, like hardness, stress resistance and malleability.

What is known as 18/8 stainless steel, commonly found in cutlery, has 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel added to the iron and does not show magnetic properties at room temperature.

Whether a particular kind of stainless steel can be magnetized by exposure to a magnetic field depends on its crystalline structure, and that structure varies according to the various metallic additions to iron and sometimes according to temperature.

In types of stainless classified as ferromagnetic, the structure allows tiny internal magnetic regions called domains to line up by polarity when exposed to a magnetic field. In types classified as austenitic, this does not happen. The underlying difference is the arrangement of electrons in the inner core of the iron ions.

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The Phenomenon of Magnetic Bracelets

Source: Kompas.com

Now more and more ads for health magnetic bracelet. In Indonesia and Malaysia, various types and forms of magnetic bracelets are marketed, with various types of materials, there are from stainless steel, titanium, and tungsten. Benefits from magnets for health have long been known. More than 2000 years ago, ancient Chinese and Indians have proved that the use of stone that produces a magnet can overcome various disturbances such as stress, epilepsy, insomnia, as well as kidney and liver problems.

The human body requires a magnet. This was confirmed by records on the condition of the astronauts who first landed on the moon when they return to earth. When the three astronauts should be quarantined because of difficulty walking and impaired metabolism. In fact, they are equipped with oxygen, water, and adequate nutrition when it went into space.

From the research results, the astronaut's body is not exposed to earth's magnetic when in outer space. Since then, the experts began studying the influence of magnetism on the human body.

In recent years the use of magnetic bracelets and necklaces are trendy. Magnetic accessories which cost hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah was sold well because it is believed to be beneficial to health.

Consider just a story Ido (25). Initially he worked as a writer was in disbelief at his friend's story that said this bracelet can add stamina. After trying, he began to believe. He said: "Stamina became stronger and more balanced body." Especially after receiving information on the Internet that the bracelet was a lot of famous people wear, for example a famous basketball player, Shaquille O'Neal.

Increased blood flow
Described by Dr. Erwin Kusuma, Sp.KJ (K), a therapist, holistic way of Clinical Pro-V, among others, magnetic influence blood circulation. "The magnetic field can affect blood circulation. The flow of blood in the body will increase. When blood flow increases, automatically, oxygen DPN other nutrients are distributed more quickly to the whole body," explained the man who also observers of healing with magnets energy.

Thus, the body will have a supply of oxygen and nutrients is more likely to keep the internal organs. The magnetic field will be more easily absorbed into the body if placed directly on the main arteries, such as heart arteries contained on the wrist or the carotid arteries located in the neck. Thus, many diseases caused by lack of blood flow can be handled smoothly.

This agreed by Tom Suhalim, Dipl. Phyt, ND, naturopathic experts from the Clinic Pro-V. Tom says, a variety of complaints related to blood circulation can be overcome with this magnetic bracelet or necklace.

When tested with an aura photograph, magnetic bracelets and necklaces are showing positive results. "Aura of people who wore these objects be bigger. The aura of enlarged to make a person more healthy and more resistant to disease attack," said Tom.

What must be remembered, is not the same magnetic field effect on each person. "It all depends on the condition of the wearer. Thus, the results should not be generalized," he added.

Even so, Dr. Erwin and Tom Suhalim remind people to be vigilant. "Not everyone is suited to wear a magnetic bracelet or necklace this. It should be checked for people who want to use it beforehand," said Dr. Erwin.

Do not use continues
In addition, the duration of wearing magnetic bracelets and necklaces should also be considered. Many people mistakenly wearing it constantly. "The magnetic field makes a fast metabolism. In fact, the body also needs rest. If used without a break, actually can damage organs in the body," said Tom.

Not only that, the authenticity of these bracelets and necklaces should also be ensured. Because often there are bracelets and necklaces are sold but does not contain a magnet unit that is ideal for "correct" the condition of the body.

To overcome that, there is a way of measuring the magnetic force using Gaussmeter. According to Dr. Erwin, content of magnetic bracelets and necklaces at great between 1000 to 3000 Gauss. Because not everyone has Gaussmeter, easy way to test it is to put a spoon.

"If the spoon still stuck to sticky and did not fall, meaning magnetic bracelet or necklace that standard. Beware, too, do not let more than 3000 Gauss, because it can damage the body if used continuously," he said.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Compared with siblings

I am now 17 ages old, three years I've studied at the Senior High School Melati Samarinda, and during one of the three years I should be a period of my studies with my old brother. it's so many advantages for have one big brother in the same School, he can tell me anything That I, the new students have not understand. It's the make it Easier to do all activities in my high school, Because I've school in dormed school, so the system is applied in dormitory is military system with seniority system too actually.

But, not just the advantages, there are too many disadvantages for me That have to school with my big brother. Physically, my brother's body is Smaller than me, he is more handsome, more charismatic, and more quiet man, that's what make many Different with me, a fat boy, ugly (Some says I handsome, but I think they want just lie to make me happy, LOL), and so hyperactive. Above of all that, I always sweat. Maybe the fair when people will be sweating on the heat, but what I
experienced is not normal. When the cold weather, I can sweat a lot, even after I take a bath is usual for me to sweat a lot.

After I surf into google, I found Some sites That contains articles about a disease called "hyperhidrosis", or in other name "diaphoresis." I've always wonder That I suffered from this disease. But I just thingking positive about my body. Honestly, this disease seems trivial, but the Impact That I get from this "over-sweating" is too much. In terms of social, I will not let anybody to grab or touch my hand wet, cause after they want grab or touch it, they will insult me
, it so annoyed me. In everyday life the impact much more large. Because I can not concentrate always dripping sweat. After I take a bath, I, Sometimes will of sweating, though in cold temperatures.

Okay, I'll save That hyperhidrosis story for later. Now I Will tell you That I've felt the disadvantage Because of one school with my brother. First, that, in many aspect, worse than my old brother, are always compared. Of course this does not make me comfortable in school there. but I've always try not to think to much about it.

They all can say whatever they want about me Want, It's all they want will, but, if you, Someone outside there, ever compare with your own brothers / sisters, always remember this:


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Jabal Magnets, Natural Wonders of Mount Magnet in Medina

Medina, who we know as the Prophet's city, has beautiful natural scenery, also surrounded by hills called Jabal. At the time of hajj pilgrims do the pilgrimage, they took trips to the region to the north of Medina, known as a tourist area for its pilgrimage church. This area includes the most fertile areas in Medina, in addition to Quba Rayon. With the winding streets, in contrast to most streets here are straight. This region is called Mantheqa Baidha (White Village). But not because of this township Hajj pilgrims tour, is due to natural phenomena in this village, Jabal Magnet.

Jabal (Mount) Magnet, a mountain that looks like an ordinary mountain, but, it's actually not an ordinary mountain, the mountain that located in the tourist attraction in northern city of Medina, which is about 30 KM from the city of Medina in the direction of the city of Tabuk, has incredible natural phenomenon . As the name implies, Jabal Magnet, this mountain has a tremendous magnetic field strength can even affect the cars that passing by. Extraordinary natural phenomena can be felt throughout the five-kilometer road from the end of asphalt to the entrance to this area. This road itself ends in five rows of the hills that surround the area.

However, this phenomenon, Jabal magnet widely known among Hajj pilgrims but not known by the native citizens of Medina, they do not call it Jabal Magnet, but Manthaqotul Baido (White Soil). MVI is said that this magnet is the magnetic center of the world's largest, it is felt by the magnetism of the car in neutral position gears, the car can be sped along. Conversely, the vehicle crossed into the MVI magnet will feel heavy, because the pull of the currents.

The streets in the Medina is down, but not too steep. It is a miracle when a car with a dead engine in the middle of the street had pulled up to 120 kmph though gears release, but this phenomenon only lasts about 2-3 km.

Indeed many other places that have a magnetic field than in Medina, such as South Korea, Greece, Australia, the eastern United States, and also in the vicinity of Mount Kelud, East Java, but the magnetic force in the area are not as strong as the magnetic field in the magnet in Medina Jabal.

Almighty Allah.

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