Magnets for health benefits is already long been known. More than 2000 years ago the people of ancient China and India have proved that the use of stone to produce magnets can overcome stress, epilepsy, insomnia, impaired kidney and liver.
performed. In Germany, Dr. Wofgang Ludwig Sc. Bio Physics PhD from institutions in Horb prove and recommends the use of magnets to treat cancer, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), neurological disorders, bone and blood.
The use of magnets in the medical field was already very much help. One of the many we hear is MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), which is helping doctors diagnose diseases in the body.
In his book entitled Archives of General Psychiatry, Ehud Klein and Isabelle Kreinin wrote that the use of magnets as therapeutic tools proven to help reduce symptoms of depression.
Based on the research Dr. William H. Philpott a psychiatrist and a neurologist in Oklahoma has been doing research on biomagnetik for several years. Negative magnetic fields have been tested and applied to the human body? Turn stimulating hormone associated with sleep, melatonin and make people sleep more soundly.
Experiments at Loma Linda University, MIT, and several universities in Europe have proven that certain magnetic devices facilitate blood flow.
Almost all disease is caused by lack of blood flow fluently, that will eventually destroy nerve tissue. In other words nutrients are not delivered to each cell in need. Some theories about the effects of many proposed magnet therapy (backyard), but the end result of all that can be grouped as follows:
b. Reduce pain and inflammation
c. HELPING blood flow
Some research data that prove the benefits of Magnets for Health:
"Magnetic energy to bring beneficial effects on blood circulation,
lymph circulation, hormone production, nerves and muscles "
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, M.D. Magnets to Overcome Pain. The New Healing Method (Magnet Overcoming Pain. New Healing Method).
"The use of magnetic therapy works, simple, risk-free (safe) and low cost. It offers the lay man or woman can perform self treatment for health problems at any time throughout his life"
Dr. Evelyne Holzapfel. Magnetic Therapy
"No one doubts about the use of magnets to relieve pain after Dr. Carlos Valbona former chairman of the Department of Community Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Valbona further in his research was amazed when he received a few changes thanks to the influence of magnets on the patient's work post-polio patients. "
The New York Times, Dec.. 8.1997.
"I do not say something like a priest, but look at my face: This magnetic therapy is a gift from God. It's good for almost anything."
Dr. Kenneth S. Mclean, MD. Bioenergy Newsletter, Feb.1986.
"Besides being easy, efficient and inexpensive, magnet therapy provides long-term effects and guaranteed safety."
Dr. Louis Donnet, MD. Magnets For Your Health (Magnets for your Health)
"Magnetic therapy in Japan and elsewhere in parts of Europe and Asia has become a traditional medical treatment (populist), is a form of self medication which can be relied upon."
Richard Leviton, "Natural Energy Healing" ("Healing with Nature's Energy") East-West Journal, June 1986.
"The results are surprisingly obtained from magnetic therapy as a whole has given a post which was really important in the world of therapy"
S. Neville Bengali M.D. Magnet Therapy: Theory and Practice
"This is a revolution in the therapy for muscle injuries, as well as help with the pain and disruption caused by the attitude (posture) the wrong body. We have been doing therapy 4000 patients with tendon injuries to the neck with magnetic therapy and 80% of them experiencing the healing"
Dr. J.B. Baron, MD? Medical Convention at the Baylor College of Medicine, Texas.
"Every family should have some magnets and understand how to use it for treatment of several disorders and infectious diseases."
Dr. A.K Battacharrya, M.D. Healing by Magnets (Healing with magnets).
"This is something that can be expected that the use of magnetic energy can be performed without the rigid requirements, and fits easily used at home for own consumption."
Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D. NEW HOPE: Magnet Therapy